Casting Couch and Female Exploitation in work places.

I am sharing my personal opinion regarding casting couch and female exploitation in work places. Please do not have any hard feelings.

From my work experience, I can correlate that 60 percent of the females are genuinely forced to exploitations and they ultimately change their job because for them, their dignity plays the most important role in their life and they don't want to grow at the cost of their dignity.

For 40% females, they prefer to sacrifice their morality to grow in their career. These females need a driver in their life who will drive their career at the cost of their character and ethics. This is another form of soft prostitution where sexuality becomes the commodity in exchange of career and money to some extent. 

All of these males exploiting these females are basically bastards and son of a bitch who look forward to exploit these females and their situational helplessness using their power and position. Few of these females intentionally sacrificing their moral retaliate after years when they don't get what they expected and then the blame game starts. In recent times, I have seen many such instances in Bollywood. The actors and actresses speaking heart out after so many years about how they had been the victims of casting couch. But the question is that why after so many years ? Why didn't you protest then ? Simply because you enjoyed the wealth and prosperity offered by your employers and today you have nothing left with you and therefore opening up about your exploitation will bring you to limelight once again and will give you the necessary footage in social media. 

I have seen many beautiful women with ugliest of characters. But they suffer when they reach the end of their youth and glamour. Many famous celebrities are known to run sexual rackets at their later stage of life and many beautiful actresses turn into professional prostitutes because they failed to establish their career even at the cost of their dignity. The same happens with Corporate women in many cases. 

It's high time to instrumentally protest against Casting Couch and Female exploitations so that we can put an end to this soft form of prostitution and create opportunities for genuinely talented resources. This will also bring back the organisational ethics.

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