Nature births raindrops so that our souls can grow. Rain is the greatest therapy of our mind and soul.

Rain is the greatest gift of God which creates a poetry in our soul and a perfect lullaby to put away all frustrations and sleep well in peace . The continuous rhythm and melody of pitter patter drops of rain perhaps produces a sound therapy which suppresses all our senses and produces a comfort level by removing all the disturbing thoughts from our mind, bringing the much necessary drowsiness which helps us to sleep well with a cool mind. The constant croaking of frogs throughout the rainy night just helps to maintain the faded rhythm of noise of the diminishing rain drops and maintains the continuity of the soothing melody of rain inside our brain. 

Another best way to remove your depression is to get drenched in rain. If you are surviving with a tired soul and with too many pains of life, just feel the rain and the best way to feel the rain is by getting wet with the cold raindrops. The splattering raindrops on your eyes, nose and face will remove all shades of depression from your mind and the cold needling raindrops on your skull and skin will bring back your lost positivity and will inject fresh enthusiasm to battle out the scuffle of life. The raindrops create a magical effect on us and stimulates our instinct to survive in this world.

Lastly, many a times it so happens with us that the continuous depression cripples our mind and body and lay in our room with a paralyzed soul unable to decide what to do and what not to do. If it rains at that moment, tben take it as a blessing of God. Take your umbrella and immediately move out to take a walk in the rain. The battering rain drops on your umbrella produce a drumming effect on your brain and help you to realize your mistakes and brings back tbe necessary senses to take the right and positive decision. The reflecting lush greenliness and the moving grey and white dangling clouds along with tbe petrichor of rain will bring back your lost memories, passion and will make you remember the faces of all your nearest and dearest one whom you forgot or who forgot you. Actually you become nostalgic with the smell of first rain and the touch of the drizzles and your movement amidst rain inspires you to move ahead in life inspite of all odds.

Last but not the least, life is not about waiting for the storms to pass away. Enjoy every storm of life and learn to dance in rain. Life at times calls for an umbrella. You may not get an umbrella in your life. Rather learn to dance in the rain than worry about an umbrella for the rest of your life.

We humanbeings pray for rain. At the same time when it rains, we look for a shelter. This is the saddest irony of our life. We cannot avoid emotions in our life and we should never ignore the God's greatest gift of emotions to the whole world and that is rain. 

Take a look into the rain dripped window panes where a rain drop keeps rolling and vanishes till another rain drop rolls over it and this continues. Have you ever entered into a forest and took a look into the drooping bubbles of rain drops on green leaves ? Have you felt the acoustics of rain water dropping continuously from the trees ? These are the best sound therapies of nature to bring back our soft senses and regain the emotional values. 

Rain is the greatest poetry for our souls created by almighty. 

If you like my blog, then follow my writings at STRAIGHT FORWARD JOYJIT. You can always call me at 9831137124.


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