
Showing posts from January, 2023

The roar of Mumbai.

Use a earphone to listen to this video. You can hear the roar of success and melancholy of failure. Both are parts of life. If the blue sky resembles your dream, the sea implies your journey of life. Watch far away where the sea meets the sky and you will realize that life is like a mirage where your dream has no limit. Closer you sail towards the sky, it seems to move away from you. But then your dreams will make you sail towards your destination. And those waves crashing on the shore goes into the sea again. Life will pay you back as well as take it back from you again. Those waves are signals to turn on the pages of your life. 


Click to read more. Mumbai- Everytime I visit this city, it seems I am plunged into a turbulent ocean of dreams and ambition. One has to know the art of floating amidst those tidal waves.This city will teach you to survive in a desparate and competitive race for survival and money. A city where a dabbawala becomes a millionaire and a cameraman at Gateway of India earns Rs.5000 to Rs.10000 everyday with his clicks. Those tall skyscrapers will never allow you to bend your head down. And those antique decaying concretes will make you think about your past and will keep your foot grounded. Those dark smoky lanes and the dance bars will attract you towards abode of destruction in disguise of life and the crowded streets and trains will give you a push from behind to bring you back to your sense. This city teaches you to walk on the rope and make you learn the balance of life. If you are succesful in Mumbai, you can be successful anywhere in the world. But one must be lion hearte