
Showing posts from May, 2020

Casting Couch and Female Exploitation in work places.

I am sharing my personal opinion regarding casting couch and female exploitation in work places. Please do not have any hard feelings. From my work experience, I can correlate that 60 percent of the females are genuinely forced to exploitations and they ultimately change their job because for them, their dignity plays the most important role in their life and they don't want to grow at the cost of their dignity. For 40% females, they prefer to sacrifice their morality to grow in their career. These females need a driver in their life who will drive their career at the cost of their character and ethics. This is another form of soft prostitution where sexuality becomes the commodity in exchange of career and money to some extent.  All of these males exploiting these females are basically bastards and son of a bitch who look forward to exploit these females and their situational helplessness using their power and position. Few of these females intentionally sacrificing th

Rain on the rooftop

Plethora of dark clouds & the freezy wind, The dancing leaves, the tweeting birds, The pricking drops of rain  And the mind travelling back With rain down the memory lane... The barren rooftop, the past chapters & Essence of a withered flower The collage of raindrops, And the forbidden memories to shower The croaking frogs & the singing birds Adorn the petrichor of rain,  While you count the battering raindrops, And envisage the bygone moments,  The drops of rain mix with each other And create a shining vistas on the rooftop,  For a new beginning without any pain, Rain washes all your past agonies, And you live your life again...

হারিয়ে যাওয়া বাতাসা, নকুলদানা আর সন্ধ্যেগুলো ।

বহযুগ পরে ছাদে এতোটা সময় কাটাচ্ছি ।  অনেক কথা মনে পড়ে যাচ্ছে ।  ছেলেবেলায় রবিবারের নির্জন দুপুরে ছাদে উঠে ঘুড়ি ওড়ানো , কাল বৈশাখীর বিকেলে কালো মেঘের কোলে পাখিদের ঘরে ফেরা, দমকা ঝোড়ো বাতাস আর দূর থেকে ধেয়ে আসা বৃষ্টি । প্রথম বৃষ্টির মাটি ফুঁড়ে ওঠা গন্ধটা ভীষন ভালো লাগতো । ঝড়ের আগের মুহূর্তে শিরশিরে ঠান্ডা বাতাস আর বাড়ির সামনে শান্ত দীঘির জলে  ছোট ছোট ঢেউ আর কালো আকাশের প্রতিচ্ছবি, পানকৌড়িদের জলের মাঝে লুকোচুরি খেলা ।  ছাদে উঠে বৃষ্টিতে ভেজা, আকাশ চিরে বিদ্যুতের ঝলকানি, সন্ধ্যাবেলায় লোডশেডিং হলেই ছাদে উঠে সপরিবারে আড্ডা দেওয়া, নারকেল কোরা আর চিনি দিয়ে মুড়ি মেখে খাওয়া দূরের আলো দেখতে দেখতে ।  হারিয়ে যাওয়া পুরোনো এ্যালবামগুলো যেন আবার ফিরে এসেছে ।   বহুদিন পর ছাদে উঠে দূরদূরান্ত থেকে ভেসে আসা শঙ্খধ্বনি শুনে ঠাকুমার কথা মনে পড়ে গেল ।  ঠাকুমা শাঁখ বাঁজাতেই ছুটে যেতাম ঠাকুরের আসনের সামনে ।  মাথা নিঁচু করে হাত জোর করে প্রণাম করার সময় নজর থাকতো নকুল দানার দিকে ।  ঠাকুরকে আরতি দিয়েই ঠাকুমা সযত্নে আমার ছোট্ট হাতজোড়ায় নকুলদানা আর বাতাসা তুলে দিত আর আমি পরম তৃপ্তিতে তা মুখে পুড়ে দিতাম ।

The turbulent Arabian sea, rain soaked Marine Drive and a short love story.

As the roaring waves of the Arabian sea trash along the rocks of Marine drive and the rain soaked lights of the Queen's Necklace reflects a blurred vision of tints behind the veil of the floating drizzle blown with the gutsy wind, the streak of lightening highlighted two worried faces of lovers sinked into the ocean of extramarital affair.  Babu, a 47 year old married guy and Disha, a 45 year old beautiful lady in search of quenching her thirst for true love looks at each other as the rain drops splattered on their faces and then rolled into their nostrils, bringing the salted rain water at the tip of their tongue with the earthy scent of rain. Babu murmers at Disha " I love you and can't survive without you. At the same time I can't betray my wife and Child. They are innocent and they have always stood by me ". Disha smiles at Babu and takes her close to Babu's rain drenched trembling frame and whispers those bold words which perhaps would solve e

Nature births raindrops so that our souls can grow. Rain is the greatest therapy of our mind and soul.

Rain is the greatest gift of God which creates a poetry in our soul and a perfect lullaby to put away all frustrations and sleep well in peace . The continuous rhythm and melody of pitter patter drops of rain perhaps produces a sound therapy which suppresses all our senses and produces a comfort level by removing all the disturbing thoughts from our mind, bringing the much necessary drowsiness which helps us to sleep well with a cool mind. The constant croaking of frogs throughout the rainy night just helps to maintain the faded rhythm of noise of the diminishing rain drops and maintains the continuity of the soothing melody of rain inside our brain.  Another best way to remove your depression is to get drenched in rain. If you are surviving with a tired soul and with too many pains of life, just feel the rain and the best way to feel the rain is by getting wet with the cold raindrops. The splattering raindrops on your eyes, nose and face will remove all sha

How I wonder what you are ?

The blinking stars neighbouring the moon are our greatest friends condoling the concealed sorrows of our day to day life. If you are suffering from depression or loneliness, reach your rooftop in a full moon night or lie down in a lonely sea beach engulfed with the bright rays of moon and watch towards the twinkling stars far away. Close your eyes for a while and think about the person you are missing in your life and then open your eyes and stare at the stars miles away. The flickering stars, as if whispering to your ears about the whereabouts of your love and speaking to your heart that all is well. Just the way, the moon alone keeps shining everynight besieged by the glimmering stars signifying the shimmering hopes needed for our survival in this world, we need to smile in our small journey of life creating a sky with millions of stars glinting optimism inspite of the flowing sorrows. You need a big heart to be a well wisher for a person who walked away from you. But the

Covid 2019 - A great come back for emotional values. A great set back for those who used Money, Power and Position as illegitimate game changers.

Covid 2019- A reply to those who used Money, Power and Position to win over emotions. Now be exiled and start from the bottom once again. After lockdown, money, power and position will remain as game changing aspects, but people taking illegitimate advantages of these three factors will have to start from the ground level. And by the time they regain their strength, it will be a time to bid them adieu. Emotion will win again. It will be a great comeback for emotional values. A great set back for the illegitimate game changers who tried to supress the emotional values with Money, Position and Power. 

The woman on the balcony.

Year 1995. I was posted in Patna on behalf of Siemens Telecom Ltd. It took lot of painstaking effort to somehow manage a one room flat at Kankarbagh area which was one of the most crowded and busiest locality of the city. Those days it was next to impossible for a bachelor to manage a rented accomodation in the conservative societies of Patna. The houseowner Advocate Singhji was kind enough to allow me to stay at his one room accomodation on the mezzanine floor of his standalone building with a beautiful hanging balcony and a kitchen and washroom attached.  Slowly I adapted to my new accomodation and developed a routine of sitting on the balcony till late night and enjoy the cool breeze with beautiful orangish full moon at the Patna sky. Suddenly I would wake up from my unexpected drowsiness and go back to sleep with the door of my room adjacent to the balcony remaining open althroughout the night.  Just opposite to our building, there was an ageold two storied

Covid 2019 - Let's see it as an opportunity for the students. If we can't change the situation, we need to change ourselves.

If we can't change the situation, we need to change ourselves. Covid 2019 effects are gradually propelling us to a new virtual world where we can actually make an effective use of internet and the gadgets to redefine and strengthen our skills, roles and responsibilities to shape our future. The present lockdown situation has spurred all of us to be a leader and become self dependent. This is true for the professionals as well as for the students. Let us discuss from the student's point of view that how these young ignited minds can effectively use the lockdown situation to rebuild themselves and step into the war field of competitive career opportunities with better preparation for knowledge and skills.  The most important task for a student is to divide their schedule at home with effective time management. You need to accept that the current situation demands you to be a caged bird and you have to utilize the space inside the cage for your living and you have to e

Khairi still roars in the woods of Similipal. The real story of a Tigress brought up by a forest officer. ( I had published this blog in 2012, 14th September at my Travel and Tourism page- Beautiful India. Once again updated this blog to let my readers know about this beautiful saga of India's one of the most beautiful and scenic Tiger Reserve- Similipal Tiger Reserve, located in Similipal, Odissa .

Simlipal National Park  located in the Mayurbhanj district in Orissa became famous with a touchy and emotional incident which made this forest a legendary place to visit. The History was created when on October 5, 1974, 12 Kharia tribals of Similipal brought a two-month old tiger cub to Mr.Saroj Raj Chaudhury, an officer of the Indian Forest Service. Mr.Saroj noticed that it was a female — famished and confused. He brought up, nurtured and carressed the tigress since then and the tigress used to stay with him day and night at his residence and became like his own child. Many a times it happened when Khairi went inside the jungle and did not return for days. Then Mr. Choudhury went inside the forest in search of her and Khairi returned in his jeep.This phenomenal bonding between the wild and the human created history for 7 long years.The story ended on 28.03.1981 when Khairi was attacked by a group of wild jungle dogs as a result of which Khairi suffered from rabys and event